Mountain Trolls have a warrior-like disposition. There had been a dark period in history when they became wild and wreaked havoc. Trolls have long since turned away from their bloody history and embraced civilization and reconciliation. They have perhaps overcompensated by currently being extremely affectionate.
However, young female Trolls still battle the wild tendency of their ancestors. In this generation, they often times lose the battle. They are skilled at delivering blows and efficient at inflicting pain. Frequently, they have been discovered in bloody battles. The violence had risen to such a pitch that their mothers assembled to discuss the matter. At this counsel, it was discovered, by careful examination, that insecurity was the author of the troubles.
Gathering the girls, they commiserated with the feelings of rejection as well as the power rush of rejecting someone else, and the pride of being in an exclusive group. But that kind of power and pride is shabby and ignoble, girls were meant for greater things.
The counsel of wise women searched the ancient book authored by Wisdom. They found it had long ago given them a passage that spoke clearly to this situation. They shared it with the girls.
“Each girl is important, created with a specific purpose. All are equipped with weaknesses and also strengths. First, each girl must believe the truth that she has immeasurable value within herself. This will begin the war on insecurity. It will fortify the self-esteem to render insults and rejections powerless. As well as make her strong and confident from a righteous source rather than the confidence won by the oppression of fellow sisters.
Together, girls can do anything, but separated, things of lasting value are out of reach. When there is prolonged divisiveness in your community, change. It begins simply with one choice, followed by choices made every minute, until habits are re-forged.”
The mothers then assigned the girls impossible tasks. Each day they would reread this passage to the assembly of girls before they began their work.
It was a long slow struggle with many failures. However, with each failure the girls began to see that they were far more capable than they had previously believed. Overtime, they completely stopped their infighting.
They exceeded all expectations when they became inspired and channeled their warrior nature into power and strength for accomplishing the impossible. Their new-found confidence enabled them to silence their insecurities and work together. Unified, they were unstoppable. What they accomplished was worthy of the history books.